Visitor Explicit Consent Statement and Declaration (Communication)
In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK), your explicit consent is required for the processing of certain personal data belonging to you by the Data Controller, Birleşim Grup Enerji Yatırımları Anonim Şirketi (“BİRLEŞİM”).
This explicit consent statement is provided to you after necessary disclosures have been made. Please ensure that you have read the KVKK Visitor Information Text and voluntarily approved its content. After granting your explicit consent, you may withdraw it at any time. We value and protect your personal data.
I have read and understood the KVKK Visitor Information Text in its entirety and have been fully informed about all matters stated there in.
While reserving my right to request the deletion of the relevant data at any time, I GIVE MY EXPLICIT CONSENT to the processing, use, disclosure, and transfer of my personal data by BİRLEŞİM and its group companies for the period required by applicable regulations or in accordance with the purposes of processing.