This document is provided by Birleşim Grup Enerji Yatırımları Anonim Şirketi (hereinafter referred to as “BİRLEŞİM”) to inform you about your rights under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK) and to explain the purposes and methods of processing your personal data. Personal data shared with BİRLEŞİM is protected with utmost care by the company, acting as the data controller.
As BİRLEŞİM, we prioritize the security of personal data processed under our responsibility. In accordance with Article 10 of KVKK, we fulfill our obligation to inform you, as the "data subject," about your rights and the policies BİRLEŞİM implements regarding the usage and protection of your personal data.
Group Companies within Birleşim Grup Enerji:
- Edikli GES Enerji Anonim Şirketi
- İdil Elektrik Enerjisi Üretim Anonim Şirketi
- Uluder Elektrik Enerjisi Üretim Anonim Şirketi
- Gülbahar Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi
- Menekşe Yenilenebilir Enerji ve Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi
- Zen Enerji Anonim Şirketi
1. Data Controller and Representative
Under KVKK, your personal data may be processed by BİRLEŞİM as the data controller within the scope described below. BİRLEŞİM implements all necessary technical and administrative measures to prevent unlawful processing or access to personal data and to ensure its protection. This Visitor Information Text applies to visitors physically visiting BİRLEŞİM’s office and to visitors accessing its website.
2. What Personal Data is Processed?
With the consent of visitors, BİRLEŞİM partially or fully collects, records, stores, classifies, and retains personal data according to the purposes of collection or for the duration stipulated by relevant laws.
The personal data processed includes:
- Identity Information
- Contact Information
- Physical Space Security Information
- Transaction Security Information
3. For What Purposes is Personal Data Processed?
3.1. For Physical Visitors:
If you physically visit our premises, your identity and contact information recorded by reception, as well as visual data obtained through closed-circuit camera systems, are processed for:
- Ensuring physical space security,
- Creating and tracking visitor records,
- Providing information to authorized public institutions and organizations.
If you use the internal wireless network, log records may also be processed within the scope of our legal obligations.
This data may be stored both digitally and physically, either in BİRLEŞİM’s physical archives or its information systems.
3.2. For Website Visitors:
Personal data of website visitors is processed for purposes including but not limited to:
- Enabling you and/or the institutions and organizations you represent to benefit from products and services offered by BİRLEŞİM,
- Determining and implementing commercial and business strategies,
- Conducting marketing, business development, and planning activities,
in accordance with the personal data processing conditions and purposes outlined in Article 5 of KVKK.
4. To Whom and For What Purposes is Personal Data Transferred?
Your personal data may be transferred to:
- Business partners, subsidiaries, legally authorized public institutions, and private entities to enable access to and proper use of the website,
- Group companies and legally authorized public institutions for purposes such as ensuring physical security on company premises, fulfilling legal obligations, establishing or protecting your rights, and addressing the legitimate interests of BİRLEŞİM.
5. How and on What Legal Basis is Personal Data Collected?
Your personal data is collected through electronic, physical, oral, or written means, such as:
- Entering data into the Wi-Fi portal,
- Providing information from ID cards, license plates, or verbally,
- Security cameras located on company premises.
The data is processed based on the legal grounds of:
- "Necessity for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject,"
- "Explicitly provided by law."
BİRLEŞİM takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the security of your personal data, prevent unlawful processing or access, and maintain its confidentiality.
6. Your Rights Under Article 11 of KVKK
As per Article 11 of KVKK, you have the right to:
- Learn whether your personal data is processed,
- Request information if your data has been processed,
- Learn the purpose of processing and whether it has been used for the intended purpose,
- Know the third parties to whom your data has been transferred domestically or abroad,
- Request correction of incomplete or incorrect data and request notification of third parties to whom data was transferred,
- Request deletion/destruction of data under conditions set forth in Article 7 and request notification of third parties to whom data was transferred,
- Object to processing that leads to unfavorable outcomes solely through automated systems,
- Request compensation for damages incurred due to unlawful processing.
You may submit your requests related to your rights in writing to the address “Dudullu OSB Mah. 1. Cad. Birleşim Grup No:3 İç Kapı No:1 Ümraniye/İstanbul” in person, via a notary public, or by other methods outlined in KVKK. Requests can also be sent securely to with an electronic signature.
7. Updating of the Information Text
BİRLEŞİM reserves the right to periodically review, update, amend, renew, or revise this information text and its data processing methods. Updated versions will be published on the website and will take effect as of the publication date.
8. Contact
For any questions, suggestions, or requests regarding our KVKK Policy or other data protection practices, you may contact us using the following details:
- Company Name: Birleşim Grup Enerji Yatırımları Anonim Şirketi
- Email:
- Registered Email (KEP):
- Address: Dudullu OSB Mah. 1. Cad. Birleşim Grup No:3 İç Kapı No:1 Ümraniye/İstanbul
- Phone Number: (0216) 499 49 59
Update Date: 19.09.2024